What is the most frightening in the world other than natural events???
and the aswer is Disease,
10. Trachea, Bronchus, Lung Cancers
One wonders if our caveman ancestors
were smoking nuts and berries, but for whatever reason, the use of
nicotine products seems to be wired into the human genome. The more
cigarettes you smoke per day and the earlier you started smoking, the
greater your risk of lung cancer. But what is even scarier is that more
than 3,000 non smoking adults will die each year from lung cancer caused
by breathing in second hand smoke. It is the deadliest type of cancer
for both men and women. Every year, more people die of lung cancer than
breast, colon and prostate cancers combined. So put out those ciggys and
step away from those who continue to puff away, because nothing good
can come from either!
9. Malaria
Everyone despises being eaten alive
by pesky mosquitoes in the summer, but you would be surprised how many
of those annoying bugs could actually lead to our demise! Malaria is
caused by a parasite that is transmitted from one human to another
through the bite of an infected mosquito. In humans, the parasites
travel to the liver, where they mature. Once matured, they release
another parasite that then enters the bloodstream and infects the red
blood cells. The parasites multiply at a rapid speed, but symptoms could
take up to one year to show. The disease is a major health problem in
much of the tropics and subtropics. It is estimated that there are
300-500 million cases of malaria each year, and more than 1 million
people die from the disease. It presents a major health hazard for
travelers to warm climates — something definitely to be weary of when
planning that once-in-a-lifetime trip to the rain forest.
8. Tuberculosis
Mucous, fever, fatigue, excessive
sweating and weight loss. What do they all have in common? They are
symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, or TB. TB is a contagious bacterial
infection that involves the lungs, but it may spread to other organs.
The symptoms of this disease can remain stagnant for years or affect the
person right away. People at higher risk for contracting TB include the
elderly, infants and those with weakened immune systems due to other
diseases, such as AIDS or diabetes, or even individuals who have
undergone chemotherapy. Being around others who may have TB, maintaining
a poor diet or living in unsanitary conditions are all risk factors for
contracting TB. In the United States, there are approximately 10 cases
of TB per 100,000 people.
7. Diarrheal Diseases
It is never pleasant to have to
excuse yourself during an important meeting to rush to the toilet or to
spend much of your long-awaited trip to the beach in your hotel room
because of diarrhea. Now just i magine if those embarrassing bowel
movements caused your whole immune system to shut down! Diarrhea is
defined as loose or watery stools that can last for a day or two. If it
lasts for weeks or even months, diarrhea is considered a chronic
disease. Diarrhea of any kind can cause dehydration, which means the
body loses a lot of important fluids and electrolytes. People of all
ages can get diarrhea; according to the National Institutes of Health,
in the United States adults average one occurrence of severe diarrhea a
year while children have an average of two episodes a year. So it seems
that this unpleasant ailment is relatively common, but if left
untreated, it can lead to severe dehydration … and even death!
6. Perinatal Conditions
Childbirth can be a magical moment
between young parents and a newborn, but it can also tragically take a
turn for the worse. Every year, about half a million women worldwide die
from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth, including
severe bleeding/hemorrhaging, infections, unsafe abortions, obstructed
labor and eclampsia, and more than 90 percent of maternal deaths occur
in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. These perinatal complications can not
only be fatal for mothers but for their young children as well, with
medical conditions such as low birth weight contributing to more than
one in five deaths in children. Of those deaths, more than 3 million
infants die during the first week of life. Many of these deaths can be
prevented, however! They are usually caused by a lack of nutrition and
poor maternal health. I nadequate medical care during pregnancy and
delivery can also result in perinatal conditions.
5. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
is definitely a mouthful, but a mouthful of something nobody wants to
taste. Commonly known as COPD, is it one of the most common forms of
lung disease, and it makes it very difficult to breathe. There are two
different forms. One is chronic bronchitis, which is defined by a long-
term cough with mucous. The other is emphysema, which is the destruction
of the lungs over time. Most people with COPD have a combination of
both. Smoking is the leading cause of this disease, although some people
smoke for years and seem to dodge the bullet! Other risk factors
include exposure to gases or fumes in the work place as well as exposure
to heavy second hand smoke. Bottom line, stay away from that nicotine!
HIV/AIDS was first reported in the
1980s, and throughout the decades this chronic life-threatening medical
condition has affected more and more humans. HIV stands for human
immunodeficiency virus, and it is one "bug" that we as a species can't
seem to kick. HIV infection weakens the immune system to the point that
it can't fight off anything anymore, and something as simple as the
common cold can turn fatal. The virus attacks T cells and CD4 cells,
both of which we need to fight off infection. HIV eventually fights off
so many CD4 cells that the body cannot battle any infection or illness,
at which point the person develops full-blown AIDS. AIDS, or acquired
immune deficiency, is when your immune system is not working as it
should. HIV/AIDs can be acquired through blood transfusions or the
sharing of needles or bodily fluids.
3. Lower Respiratory Infections
We all need to breathe. It is one of
the necessities of life. But if you suffer from a lower respiratory
infection, breathing ain't a walk in the park. There are two types of
lower respiratory infections, bronchitis
and pneumonia. Some common symptoms of these infections are runny nose
and sneezing, headache, and sore throat. Children are also susceptible
to this disease. It can be difficult to diagnose lower respiratory
infections properly, as they can be caused by either a virus or
bacterial growth in the lungs.
2. Cerebrovascular Disease
Cerebrovascular disease is a fancy
way of saying stroke. Either way, this disease is not pleasant. A stroke
happens when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted because a
blood vessel in the brain is blocked (ischemic stroke) or bursts open
(hemorrhagic stroke). If blood flow is stopped for longer than a few
seconds, the brain can't get blood and oxygen. Brain cells then die,
causing permanent damage. When brain cells die, the body panics. High
blood pressure is the No. 1 risk factor for a stroke — so keep that
blood running smoothly and no one gets hurt!
1. Ischemic Heart Disease
When an organ is forgotten by the
body, we are in trouble. With ischemic heart disease, that is exactly
what happens. "Ischemic" means that an organ (such as the heart) is not
getting enough blood and oxygen. When the arteries that bring blood and
oxygen to the heart are blocked, it means you have ischemic heart
disease — and a very big problem. If left untreated, t his disease can
lead to heart failure and death. Ischemic Heart Disease affects 1 out of
100 people, often middle-aged to elderly males. But ladies, don't wipe
your brow just yet, because it can affect you too! Risk factors include
diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. The best thing you can do to
prevent ischemic heart disease is take great care of yourself and make
sure no organ is left behind!
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